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Fussy eaters

Be a good role model

If you’re a fussy eater then you may have to make peace with the idea that your child may be a fussy eater too. Lead by example and try to expand your diet to show him that you enjoy a wide variety of foods.

Ask your child to help with the preparation of a meal.

Your child is more likely to eat a meal he has helped to make.

Set up regular habits for eating

Make sure that your child understands what is expected of him when he eats.

Make sure that the food you serve looks interesting

By including a few differently coloured foods on his plate, he may become more interested in his food. If he has food favourites, include them and work from there.

Encourage self-feeding from a young age

Being actively involved in eating – rather than sitting passively receiving food – will encourage him to take an interest in the food he’s being served.

Find a food he will eat from each food group

If your child doesn’t like milk, try offering yoghurt or cheese.

Finish dinnertime

Once your child has eaten as much of a meal as he’s going to, take away his plate and finish the meal. This will discourage him from drifting away from the table with the expectation that he can drift back later to pick at his food.

Make sure that your expectations are realistic

Your child is not a small adult and you can’t expect him to eat like an adult.

Serve child-size meals

He can always ask for a second helping! Generally serve three small meals a day, with a snack in between.

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