Premature babies generally reach milestones closer to their adjusted age – the age they would be if they had been born full-term.
Development describes the series of complex changes – physical, emotional, social – which your baby undergoes on their way to adulthood. While you may be amazed by the speed at which your baby develops (particularly in the first year), development is a gradual process that stops and starts.
Your baby’s development is not a competitive sport so don’t start to feel the pressure to compare your baby with another. They are all unique and will develop at different rates. Instead, enjoy the ride – your baby will learn more in their first year of life than ever again, so just watch and wonder (and clap your
hands when appropriate!)
Developmental achievements are called ‘milestones’. Growth and development milestones are meant to
be used as a guide, but not something to worry about. While there is a wide range of ‘normal’ in the
growth and development of your baby, most babies do actually pass through developmental stages in
the same order.
Regardless of what your parenting bible tells you your baby should be doing in Week 12, your gut
instincts will tell you more about whether your baby is thriving than a list of milestones ever will.
As a general guide, if you notice any of the following, you should seek the advice of an expert:
Premature babies generally reach milestones closer to their adjusted age – the age they would be if they had been born full-term.
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