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Advanced Early Learning's difference


We aim to enhance children’s learning and development in a positive learning environment which is promoted across the five learning outcomes from the Australian Government's Early Years Learning Framework. Our educators gather and interpret information about children as individuals to inform the preparation of learning activities and the learning environment, and to implement experiences that are engaging and meaningful, supporting children’s holistic development.
Under the National Law and National Regulations, approved childcare services are required to base their educational programs on an approved learning framework. The program should focus on addressing the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child, while also taking into account the individual differences of each child.

Advanced Early Learning Childcare Centre is committed to Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, a nationally approved learning framework which outlines practices that support and promote children’s learning:

This framework includes principles, practices and learning outcomes that guide educational leaders and educators in their curriculum decision-making, and assists them in planning, delivering and evaluating quality programs in early childhood settings.

Advanced Early Learning Childcare Centre strives to ensure the best learning outcomes for each child by:

Implementing an ongoing cycle of planning, documenting and evaluating children’s learning, which will underpin our educational programs.
Documenting children’s experiences and their responses to the environment. This makes each child’s learning visible to themselves, their educators and their families and promotes shared learning and collaboration.
Providing experiences that include both structured and unstructured learning times, catering to children’s individual, age-appropriate needs and interests.
Ensuring materials and equipment reflect the cultural diversity and family values that exist in our society.
Responding to children’s ideas and play and using intentional teaching to scaffold and extend each child’s learning.
Providing experiences that actively promote and initiate the investigation of ideas and complex concepts, encouraging thinking, reasoning and hypothesising.
Encouraging communication with families about each child’s learning progress.
Exploring ideas and theories using imagination, creativity and play.
Providing children with ongoing encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Making use of spontaneous "teachable moments" to extend children’s learning.
Viewing children as active participants and decision-makers in their development, working with each child’s unique qualities and abilities.
Planning realistic curriculum goals for children based on observation and assessment of each child's individual needs and interests.
Ensuring that all children’s experiences are recognised and valued, with equitable access to resources and opportunities to demonstrate their learning.
Using a variety of methods to assist reflection on children’s experiences, thinking and learning.
Identifying any changes to children’s learning, spontaneous play and teaching strategies that may be needed in the environment.