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Advanced Early Learning's difference



Advanced Early Learning Childcare Centre aims to promote children’s participation in physical activity by:

Planning and implementing intentional teaching of fundamental movement skills to support the physical development of children of all ages.

Fostering children’s fundamental movement skills through role modelling.
Seeking opportunities within the daily routine for spontaneous play.
Providing opportunities for children to be active through a balance of planned and spontaneous experiences within the indoor and outdoor environment.
Providing active play experiences that encourage children to explore, be creative and challenge their development.
Providing space, time and resources for children to revisit and practise fundamental movement skills and engage in active play.
Providing opportunities for educators to attend professional development training to enhance their skills and knowledge about the importance of physical activity in children.
Providing positive instruction, role modelling and advice to children as they develop and improve their fundamental movement skills.
Working in collaboration with families and other professionals to provide active experiences that are inclusive of all children.
Assisting children to develop daily habits, understanding and skills that support health and wellbeing.
Our management and educators will:

Ensure modifications are made in the environment for children with special needs. Management will make appropriate, professional referrals where necessary, with family permission.

Ensure a conscious balance between indoor and outdoor experiences is planned for, with large blocks of unstructured time for child-initiated play.
Promote children’s physical activity by supporting the development of their gross motor skills and fostering the emergence of fundamental movement skills through a range of intentionally planned and spontaneous active play learning experiences.
Ensure key physical activity recommendations within the NSW Health initiative Munch and Move are embedded in our curriculum.
Ensure each child is acknowledged for their uniqueness in a positive way.
Support each child's efforts, assisting and encouraging them as appropriate.
Be consistently aware of and responsive to children who may require additional support, assistance or attention.